


After receiving a master’s degree in psychology, Claudia Helt worked as a Licensed Professional Counselor for over 38 years. Through her private practice, she had the privilege of working with many individuals who came from abusive backgrounds. Claudia particularly enjoyed assisting these individuals in discovering and reclaiming their powerful Self. Her approach with clients was always gentle and challenging while encouraging the client to be her/his own leader. She continued this approach as she expanded her skills into the field of energy work.  Claudia became a Reiki Master, a contemplative, and an ardent seeker of the “More” that exists within all. Her home became a sanctuary that complemented her professional and spiritual work. It became a Center for assisting people who were experiencing transitions. This was the beginning of The Center for Peaceful Transitions.

In the late 1990s, Claudia was overwhelmed with an awareness that she was “here for a reason.” The intensity of this new awareness led her to seek answers. Claudia ultimately learned that her urgent need to move onward was what many refer to as a “calling.” At the time, she had no idea that this “calling” would culminate in a decision to close her life’s work as a psychotherapist and leave friends and family to pursue a way of living that she had never anticipated.

The inward journey led Claudia to an opportunity for creative expression through Divine Connection. From this wondrous, yet ordinary development of connection, she began receiving messages. These powerful communiques are presented throughout all the books that she publishes. After twenty years of participating in these conjoint efforts, she remains as mystified by the process as does the reader. Claudia speaks lightly about these experiences and always acknowledges the privilege she feels in being part of them. On occasion, various friends will urge her “to do this or that” regarding a particular project, but she just shakes her head and replies, “I’m not in charge!”

This is simply Claudia’s reality, her truth. She has devoted her life to bringing the messages forward and is committed to continuing this work for as long as she is able. She gratefully accepts her role as an assistant, while also being acutely aware that Another is the Source of these expansive materials.

More information about The Center can be found on The Center for Peaceful Transitions website.