



Feedback from our readers has been very exciting and uplifting.
Hope you enjoy the read!

Softcover:  $16.99
E-Book:  $3.99



As the title infers, Listen Carefully, Please! demands your attention. It is a book that inspires deep heartfelt connections and compassion for others, while enriching one’s awareness of his or her role in this experience called life.

Above all, it is a book that awakens the reader to the needs of others, including Mother Earth. Through fascinating and loving encounters with various species, six young explorers encounter remarkable events. These interactions profoundly change the young adventurers, inspiring them to take action on behalf of the Earth.

Listen Carefully, Please!  is especially presented for the youth of today; however, it spans all ages, touching the hearts of the young and those who are young at heart. Regardless of the age of the reader, there is opportunity for connection, expansion, and enhancement.

Softcover: $11.99
E-Book: $3.99




Mother Earth’s health crisis is no secret. What Awaits Us… does not shy from the truth about Earth’s decline. Instead, through a truly enchanting tale, it expands our understanding of our enormous global challenge, and lays out a solution that every person on the planet can adopt. Hope is inspired when a diverse group of characters, including wildlife, amiable humans, deceased ancestors, and Those Who Came Before, collaborate in developing a plan to restore Earth’s health. Through simple steps, The Plan teaches us how to release our negative tendencies, which will profoundly help the planet while also healing oneself.

What Awaits Us… truly has the potential to help people from all nations to participate in revitalizing the Earth. No longer do we need to feel at a loss when it comes to assisting the Earth. What Awaits Us… provides us with an option that is doable and effective.

Softcover: $17.99
E-Book: $4.99




Dear Reader, Love Thy Neighbor, is a Message of Old. It was important when it first came into being so very long ago, and it is vitally important at this time when it is essential for Humankind to rise to their full potential. As you will learn, the words, love thy neighbor, are much more expansive than was originally thought.

You are indeed a member of a marvelous species existing within an existence filled with countless other species, and you will discover from this reading adventure that all species are intricately linked to one another, and we are all equally important and significant to the continuation of the entire planetary eco-system.

Dear Reader, our neighborhood is large; it expands across this magnificent planet and beyond. We are so blessed! Let us not forget our neighbors with whom we share this expansive backyard.

Let us not forget the gift of diversity that exists within our neighborhood. Let us not forget that we are intrinsically connected with all our neighbors. Let us not forget that we are all members of the same Family. Love Thy Neighbor is a heartwarming story about personal and global healing that illuminates changes that are necessary and feasible. It will make you smile with delight, and also bring tears regarding our planet’s situation. But most importantly, it will inspire you to make the world a better place. There is reason for hope!

Softcover: $16.99
E-Book: $4.99




Grace abounds in the final installment of the Seeking Our Humanity trilogy. The eight friends, who originally committed to healing the Earth, continue to reach out, and wonderful new people with similar passions for saving Mother Earth enthusiastically join the cause. Friendships deepen, as do their relationships with the Earth and with the Visitor from another plane who first brought the news that Earth’s crisis was grounded in humankind’s violence, anger, and greed. Visibly present or not, this gentle man is an influential presence in the lives of the Family of Friends. Serving as a Guide and Spiritual Companion, he assists them individually and collectively as they face the deep-seated fears that underlie so much of humanity’s negative behavior and energy.

Through their development, we readers are assisted in facing the reality of our own personal impact upon self, others, and the Earth. We learn that our behaviors matter and that the ramifications of our words, actions, deeds, and ill will have devastating effects on those around us, including the Life Being Earth. This is a reality that must be faced. And we can! There is reason for hope! Now, in this pivotal moment in time, we can make the most important changes in our history. We are not alone in this endeavor. For the sake of humanity and for the well being of the Earth, it is time for all the people of Earth to take the next step in becoming the peaceable beings that we are intended to be.
Readers of Seeking Our Humanity, Part III can recognize themselves through the heartfelt development of the different characters and are moved to grow with them toward becoming beings of loving kindness.

Softcover: $16.99
E-Book: $5.99




In the first book of this trilogy, a small group of friends learns that humankind’s negative energy is a primary reason for the environmental crisis that threatens all life on Earth. Invisibly and immeasurably the anger, violence, and hatred of our thoughts, words and actions compound and magnify the damage incurred from our material pollution of land, seas and skies.
In Seeking Our Humanity, Part II, the commitment made by the twelve dear friends deepens and expands. We learn that we each have a role in the Earth’s decline, and we learn that every person on the planet can effectively aid her recovery. The solution is simple yet challenging.

We need to become nicer, kinder, better people! If we change our ways, if we heal our ill behavior, our wounded hearts will heal, and the Earth will heal as well.
Although many people are already familiar with the simple and profound techniques of sharing energy with another, many more will be needed for our efforts to be successful. Just as the cast of characters learned to hone their skills to assist the Earth, so too must we. Seeking Our Humanity, Part II teaches us to master the skills that are needed to assist the Earth and reclaim our humanity. The heartfelt conversations shared among our lovable characters are stunning examples of how people can live peaceably and lovingly with one another. The Seeking Our Humanity trilogy is a pathway to a healthy planet and a healthy civilization. Please join us in this Mission to save the Earth.

Softcover: $16.99
E-Book: $5.99




Seeking Our Humanity is an opportunity for humankind to save the Earth from her present precarious condition. For millennia, we took Earth for granted and assumed that she was impervious to our abuses. We now recognize her vulnerability and see the existential crisis our choices have caused.

As we strive to reverse the damage already done, one wonders if there is more we can do to help heal Mother Earth? Indeed, there is! Earth’s ill health is rooted in the toxicity of human emotions and actions. Just as our physical and chemical trash poison Earth’s lands, waters, and sky, our hatred, anger, violence, and harsh judgment poison her life essence.

By reading Seeking Out Humanity, we learn simple steps that we can take to help heal the Life Being Earth, and more importantly, we learn that we are not alone in this commitment.

Softcover: $16.99
E-Book: $5.99




Breathe, Dear Reader. In this final installment of The Answer series, the endearing eight old friends continue their commitments to assist the Earth. Recognizing that Earth’s failing health can no longer be ignored, the Circle of Eight, with the assistance of the beloved elder gentleman and others, pursue immediate action to reverse her downward spiral. Through the outreach program that is developed in The Answer in Action, a solution to help save the Earth is offered. Seek within these pages and discover the truth about your innate abilities that will play an instrumental role in the Earth’s healing process. You are the answer, Dear Reader. Please breathe this in and accept the truth of who you really are. And then, take the next step. You are the answer in action. Please act now on the Earth’s behalf.

Softcover: $13.99
E-Book: $4.99




In this sequel to The Answer, eight old friends continue their individual and shared adventures, responding to an urgent call to assist Mother Earth through intentional focusing upon the reversal of her tragic decline in health. As they meet more people, who have had a similar call, the circle of those committed to the planet’s critical health crisis expands. Everyone involved grows more confident in their increased intuitive processes as the validity of the “unusual” experiences occurring around them becomes more evident. The beloved elder gentleman, who first enlisted them in this compelling mission of rescue, remains mysteriously present in their lives and activities. Although he is rarely visible in this phase of their development, he and the ethereal companions whom he represents, vigilantly follow the progress of their earth-bound friends’ efforts to assist the Earth.

As the elder continues to affirm and encourage the circle of friends through telepathic communiqués, their understanding of the simple yet profound ways in which they can help heal the Earth broadens. Evolving individually and collectively, the friends become creatively emboldened to greater and greater action on this remarkable life being’s behalf. Travel with these gentle, thoughtful people through The Answer Illuminated, and learn how each of us can do our part in restoring wellness to the Earth. Without our assistance, her health will continue to decline. Her recovery depends upon us, and our future depends upon her survival.

Softcover: $18.99
E-Book: $5.99




The Answer, a compelling tale, unfolds as eight friends discover they all have recently encountered an unusual elderly gentleman. Mysteriously and inexplicably, this kindly stranger appears to them in different settings around the world. On each occasion, he delivers the same message, urging each of them to come to the aid of a place he simply calls the Island. While sharing their odd encounters, the friends become confident in the reality of their experiences and in the important truth of their visitor’s messages. As they deliberate making commitments to a yet-to-be-revealed vital mission, the amiable gentleman joins their conversations, facilitating greater camaraderie while also expanding the friends’ consciousness of dimensions beyond their own.

His mere presence is evidence that more exists than previously known. Like other books presented by Claudia, The Answer features characters whose gentleness, goodness, and mutual respect embody an enviable way of being.

Softcover: $22.99
E-Book: $5.99




Kindness, respect, and compassion permeate this story as the exploration of human potential continues through the friendships of the main characters and in their connections with the beloved departed: the long-deceased Aunt May and recently passed David McNabb. Through these heartfelt exchanges, the reality that there is more becomes evident.

After an unfortunate and inexplicable incident occurs at a cherished setting called Merton’s Cove, new characters from the scientific community, along with an unusually gifted park ranger and an amiable police chief, enrich the story, bringing excitement and hope to all involved.

Coming together from many different walks of life, this cast of characters blend their areas of expertise as they discover the validity of existential communication with those in this life and beyond, as well as humankind’s potential for personally and collectively directing energy that is capable of assisting and healing others, including the remarkable life being, Earth. By engaging with this fascinating tale, your awareness of who you really are is profoundly expanded.

Softcover: $21.99
E-Book: $5.99




As five old friends and one young newcomer come together to share recent life experiences, an adventure into new realities unfolds. United by friendship, curiosity, and similar interests, the brave companions explore expansive possibilities not imagined before. Their journeys reveal evidence that much more exists than presently is visible to the human eye and demonstrate the comforting reality that we are all accompanied throughout our life experiences. Through an intriguing and believable tale, The Time When Time No Longer Matters announces the coming of a new way of being as it invites the reading audience to participate in the evolutionary process that awaits humankind.

E-Book: $5.99




Beginning with the spellbinding, heartfelt story of an inexplicable multicar accident, The Book of Ages takes the reader on a captivating journey through time and beyond. It opens doors to new possibilities regarding some of life’s greatest mysteries, especially the process of crossing over.
This fascinating tale successfully interweaves a story within a story that encompasses the past, the present, and the future, leaving the reader engaged, perplexed, and enchanted. As the mystery unfolds, readers are invited to live a reality far greater than presently imagined.
The Book of Ages lovingly and boldly presents the comforting news that we are not alone in the universe.

E-Book: $7.99




Many of you question who you really are and wonder why you are here. Many of you desire to know more and ponder how you can attain answers to these questions that capture your imagination. Frequently throughout this small book, you are encouraged to “Seek Within!” It is a repetitive message that gently guides you forward on your path of self-discovery and expansion, and if you are wise, you will open your heart to this sagacious guidance, for it is truly life altering. With hopeful anticipation, open this book! Seek within these pages and find answers to the questions that burn deeply within you. You are here for a reason! Is that not a reason to be optimistically hopeful?

Within these pages reside “365” inspirational, thought-provoking, and life-altering messages of hope. Many are instantaneously uplifting, while others lovingly challenge you to broaden your present perspective. Accept the challenge! Quiet your mind, open your heart, and become a carrier of hope. You can do this! We can all do this! Become a Messenger of Hope!

Softcover: $19.95